Heute zum 1. Advent haben wir für euch den Song „The Card“. Andy Clark hat gerade erst sein Album und seine Tour beendet. Jetzt meldet er sich mit einem Weihnachtssong zurück. „The Card“ handelt davon, dass das Leben nicht immer so verläuft, wie wir es uns wünschen. Umso mehr sollten wir das genießen, was uns das Leben ganz freiwillig bietet.
At last the world is sleeping and all is right on this holy night.
Outside the ground is frozen and children look to the skies with widened eyes. Time hangs in the air. Snow falls from the tree in the square. Everywhere it feels like Christmas Eve.
The radio plays softly; the sound of a distant choir fills the house.
The fire is down to the embers now and all I can think to do is put on my coat and go out. On the frozen street diamonds shatter under my feet. I’m incomplete without you.
Trying to understand how you could let go of the life that we planned. Holding in my hands the card that you gave me last year.
VÖ: 29.11.2019
Label: Greywood Records (LC-30629)
Foto: Robin Bleech