FINNEAS veröffentlicht neue Single „What They’ll Say About Us“

Berührend und hoffnungsvoll singt der fünffache GRAMMY Award-Gewinner, Sänger und Produzent Finneas über das, was ihn bewegt. Im Lockdown geschrieben ist es eine Ode an die menschliche Stärke und Verbundenheit angesichts der Schwierigkeiten des Lebens

Zur Entstehung des Songs bemerkt Finneas: „I wrote this song in June after spending the day at a protest in Downtown LA, filled with hope with the prospect that millions of people were coming together from all over the world to fight against institutionalized racism and inequality. During that time, I’d also been following Amanda Kloots as she documented her husband Nick Cordero’s time in the ICU while in a coma after being admitted for COVID-19.

Imagining her sitting by his side, waiting, hopeful for him to wake up, it got me thinking about all the millions of people, all over the world, who also have loved ones, parents, children and extended family members going through the same thing. Fighting this horrific virus. Some will over-come and wake up again, while others, tragically may not. This song is dedicated to all who have had to endure this year. I hope this song can offer some sort of comfort to those who may need it.”

Regie führte beim intimen, in einem Take entstandenen Video Sam Bennett.

Foto: Matty Vogel


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Artikel: 3790

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