20 schonungslose und bitterböse Illustrationen

In diesem Artikel stellen wir euch Illustrationen vor, die aktuelle Probleme unserer Gesellschaft schonungslos darstellen. Die Themenpalette erstreckt sich dabei von Kapitalismuskritik jeglicher Couleur, über Homophobie bis hin zum Fremdenhass.

Die Künstler John Holcroft, Gunsmithcat und Pawel Kuczynski bringen ihre Botschaft teils clever, teils plakativ rüber – wir meinen in jedem Fall gekonnt. Klickt auf das Bild, um die Webseite des jeweiligen Illustrators zu öffnen.


Against Homophobia by Gunsmithcat
Against Homophobia by Gunsmithcat


Illustration by John Holcroft
Illustration by John Holcroft


Big Fish by Gunsmithcat
Big Fish by Gunsmithcat


Illustration by Pawel Kuczynski
Illustration by Pawel Kuczynski


Capitalism by Gunsmithcat
Capitalism by Gunsmithcat


Illustration by John Holcroft
Illustration by John Holcroft


Insane by Gunsmithcat
Insane by Gunsmithcat


Illustration by Pawel Kuczynski
Illustration by Pawel Kuczynski


Happiness Kit by John Holcroft
Happiness Kit by John Holcroft


Censure killed the meaning of art by GUNSMITHCAT
Censure killed the meaning of art by GUNSMITHCAT


Illustration by Pawel Kuczynski
Illustration by Pawel Kuczynski


Illustration by John Holcroft
Illustration by John Holcroft


The IPhonekkake by Gunsmithcat
The IPhonekkake by Gunsmithcat


Illustration by PAWEL KUCZYNSKI
Illustration by PAWEL KUCZYNSKI


I Like by Gunsmithcat
I Like by Gunsmithcat


Illustration by John Holcroft
Illustration by John Holcroft


Football by Gunsmithcat
Football by Gunsmithcat


Illustration by John Holcroft
Illustration by John Holcroft


Neo Idiots by Gunsmithcat
Neo Idiots by Gunsmithcat


Illustration by John Holcroft
Illustration by John Holcroft
Artikel: 116

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